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Transition From Sport: Inspiration in Images

Images can express many things. For me, they express what I love, what is important to me, where I have been and where I am going.

Family, sport, travel, fashion, art in imagery and music are all key parts of what inspires me. Since retiring from a career in sport, I have felt like I lost my identity. I have had dark moments where I struggle with having a strong sense of myself. When I have been asked what makes me happy, there have been moments when I couldn't answer.

I put these collages together when I took fashion merchandising at Blanche Macdonald from 2013 to 2014. What I put together then speaks to me just as strong over a year later. More pics of Charlie and Arthur would be my only change ;)

When looking at what I want to do next beyond a life in sport I have done a lot of soul searching. Knowing what makes you happy and what inspires you is key to knowing where to direct your attention. Do I have all of the answers now? no. Do I still have hard days? yes. Everyone does.

Are you in transition? Ask yourself these questions:

What makes you happy? What would you do regardless of getting paid?

What do you want to be known for when you leave this world?

What little steps can you take to move yourself forward? Can you work on your own personal brand, resume, ask for help, enroll in a course or seminar?

It takes less than you think to get out of a rut. Once acknowledged, all you have to do is take the steps to move forward, as little as making a call to one of my sisters and telling them that I am struggling is a start.

Let the answers come to you over time. I have been reminded time and time again that life is a journey and great things take time, like rowing. It took 13 years to get to my silver medal. Patience is key. I am still working on the answers and the ever evolving big picture myself. Don't be afraid to admit you are struggling. It is a human thing, not a you thing - I promise!


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